Water softener regeneration

Rahul Kashyap


To lay down the procedure for regeneration of Softener.


  • Preparation of Sodium Chloride Solution: Take 50 kg. of Sodium Chloride in 500 Ltrs. HDPE Drum and dissolve in 500 ltrs. potable water using SS rod.
  • Operate the Multi Grade Sand Filter.
  • Set the flow rate of potable water to 3000 Liter / hour. It should not exceed from this value.
  • Back wash
  • Change the multiport valve at FAST RINSE (3) by pressing downward and by rotating.
  • Switch ON the water feed pump and run for 10-15 minutes.
  • Switch OFF the water feed pump.

  • Shift the multiport valve at REGENERATION SLOW RINSE (2).
  • Open the valve of Solution Chloride Solution.
  • Switch ON the water feed pump and run for 20-25 minutes.
  • Final Rinsing: After completion of injection process, run the water feed pump for 30-35 minutes.

Switch OFF the water feed pump.
  • Shift the multiport valve at SERVICE (1).
  • Switch ON the water feed pump and run for 5-10 minutes.
  • Switch OFF the water feed pump.

  • Shift the multiport valve at UP FLOW SOFTENER position.
  • Check the hardness of soft water; it should be less than 5 ppm.
  • Checking of Hardness: Take 10 ml water in the test tube (provided with kit) and add one spoon (provided with kit) RGH1 indicator. Now add 10 drops of hardness B solution and observe the colour of the solution

If the colour of solution turns blue, then water is O.K. i.e. hardness is less than 5 ppm.
If the colour of solution turns wine red, then water is not O.K. i.e. hardness is more than 5 ppm.
Use the system.

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  2. Water softener regeneration is vital for maintaining optimal performance. This process removes accumulated hardness minerals from the resin bed, restoring its effectiveness. Regular regeneration ensures consistent soft water, prevents scale buildup, and extends the life of your softener. Following manufacturer guidelines for timing and frequency is key for efficient operation.

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