Operation of Autoclave

Rahul Kashyap


The purpose of this SOP is to provide written guidelines for Operation of autoclave for sterilization process.


Autoclave: The device is used to sterilization the equipment’s & dehydrated media by moist heat sterilization at 121ºC for 20 minutes.


  • Load the contents in autoclave chamber.
  • Close the autoclave door tightly.
  • Put “ON” the drain valve, to drain the condensate of line from PRV(Pressure Reducing Valve) to autoclave. Once the steam starts coming out of drain, put “OFF” the drain valve.
  • Put “ON” steam entry valve to jacket, Note the pressure of the jacket.
  • Once the pressure (1.3 kgs/cm2) is reached, move the regulating knob on” STER”, so that steam will enter from jacket to chamber.
  • After reaching pressure as 15 lbs. or 1.2 kgs. /cm2 & temperature not less than 121 0 C note the timing.
  • Run the autoclave with above set parameters for 20 minutes.
  • After completion of 20 minutes, put the regulating knob to “OFF-SLOW EXHAUST”.
  • Let the pressure of the chamber drop to “0” (ZERO) & temperature below 70º C, then only open the door of autoclave slightly, so that inner contents will attain room temperature after some time. Only after that, remove the inner contents outside the autoclave.
  • After every load clean the autoclave chamber with purified water to avoid staining.
  • Note: With every sterilization load, put one autoclave indicator label.                        
  • Check the indicator for colour change after completion of autoclave and stick to the sterilization record.

Close the autoclave door tightly when autoclave is in operation.
After every load clean the autoclave chamber with purified water to avoid staining.

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