Noise Monitoring | Noise Level Monitoring

Rahul Kashyap


To describe the procedure for noise level monitoring | Noise Level Monitoring
  • Point out the locations of Noise level monitoring points. The locations include Primary area, Secondary packing Hall, Receiving way, manufacturing area and utility areas or areas to be monitored for noise level
  • Take calibrated Sound Level Meter and go to the locations of noise level monitoring points as identified.
  • Switch on the Sound Level Meter and select the required range of meter and observe the meter till its reading gets stable.
  • The noise level should be monitored at Day and Night time, when the noise level is assumed to be   at higher side, in comparison to Night time.
  • The noise level should not be above the permissible limit for concerned area in    decibels (dB).
  • The permissible limits can be recorded as:

Noise level not more than  limit shown in table for concerned area

Noise level monitoring shall be done twice in a year.

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