ETP plant operation | ETP chemical dosing

Rahul Kashyap


To describe the operating procedure for ETP plant operation.
ETP flowchart
ETP plant operation
Domestic Effluent:
Domestic effluent from the toilets and urinals is received in the septic tank and      the overflow of the septic tank is collected in the effluent equalization tank, from where it is pumped to roughing bio-reactor for further biological and tertiary treatment.
Industrial Effluent:
The Industrial or process effluent generated from the manufacturing processes reaches the sewage equalization tank, from where it is pumped to the equalization tank.
Purpose of Equalization Tank:
Collection, neutralization cum Equalization in hydraulically and organically terms of the raw effluent.
Check the raw effluent pH from the equalization tank and add the neutralizing chemical, Sodium Hydroxide (Noah) till pH reaches 6.5 to 8.0.
Switch ON the raw effluent pump and allow continuous mixing with in the Equalization tank and pump the effluent to the Primary tank.
Physico- chemical Treatment:
The physico-chemical treatment comprises neutralizing, chemical coagulation
and precipitation.     
Chemical Preparation:
Alum: - 1 kgs. of Alum dissolved per 50 liters of fresh water(2%solution).   
Poly-electrolyte: - 50 Kgs of dissolved per 50 liters of fresh water (0.1%   solution).
Caustic: - 500 grams of Alum dissolved per 50 liters of fresh water  (1%solution).
  • Open the air blowing line valve of the dosing tank and dissolve the chemicals.
  • Operate the dosing pump and maintain the pH from 6.5 to 7.5 of the Flash mixer cum Flocculate. The dosing of Poly-electrolyte is done for the settlement of discrete suspended particles.  
  • The effluent after adjusting pH shall be sent to Secondary Tube settler by Gravity. The solids settle down at the bottom through the tube settler. The supernatant shall be sent to Biological reactor by gravity. The settled sludge at the bottom shall be sent to the SDB (Sludge Drying Beds).

Purpose of Flash Mixer cum Flocculator:
To make a proper Flocculation and increase the floc size of the particles for better   sludge settlement.
Purpose of Primary Tube Settler:
  • The main purpose is to Clarification of Primary Sludge and chemically treated water. The primary tube settler overflows shall go to the Biological reactor for biological treatment. The air purge through air blower.
  • Switch ON the Air Blower for supplying the diffused air from bottom. The    aerobic bacteria gets adhere on the Biological reactor. The suspended nature MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid.) shall also be observed which gets settled in the Secondary Tube Settler and gets recycled back to the Biological reactor.

Purpose of Biological Reactor:
Biological Reactor is the type of the aerobic process. The air is being supplied through the air blower. The aerobic microbe’s gets adhere on the fixed film media. In the presence of Oxygen, the micro- organism degrades the organic matter and BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) gets removed significantly and meets the desired parameters of BOD.
Purpose of Air Blower:
To supply the air in the Biological Reactor, Collection tank and the dosing tank.
Addition of DAP, Urea & Jaggery:
Daily 500 gm. DAP and 300 gm. Urea & 2Kg Jaggery is to be added approximately in the Biological reactor for the proper growth of MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid.).
Switch ON the sludge pump and keep on recirculating to the Biological Reactor. Remove excess sludge from Biological Reactor to SDB.
Purpose of Sludge Re Circulation Pump:
  • Recycling the biomass to the Biological Reactor and desludging to the SDB.
  • The homogenized effluent shall be sent to the Secondary Tube Settler by Gravity.
  • The supernatant water shall be sent to ACF feed pump.
  • Switch ON the ACF (Activated Carbon Filter) feed pump and treated water shall go to treated water storage tank and from treated water storage tank it shall go to Ultra Filtration system, backwash ACF and MGF one in 24 Hrs. for 10 minute and rinse for 5 minutes.
  • Collect the filtered water from Ultra Filtration unit into the treated water to the Garden.
  • Parameters like pH, TSS, TDS, COD, BOD, Oil and Grease shall be analyzed in the   ETP lab.

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  1. 700 kl ka plant hai uske kya doging kya hogi

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