Calibration of ph meter

Rahul Kashyap

Calibration of pH Meter

Calibrate pH meter daily with pH 4.01, 7.00 and 9.18 buffer solutions. 

Preparation of Buffer Solutions

  • pH 4.01 at 25°C (Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate Buffer): Dissolve 10.21 g of Potassium hydrogen phthalate previously dried for 2 hours at 120°C ± 2°C, in purified water and make-up the volume to 1000 ml with purified water.
  • pH 7.00 at 25ºC: Take 1 capsule in 100 ml volumetric flask and dissolve with purified water. Make up to volume to 100 ml with purified water.
  • pH 9.18 at 25°C (Sodium Tetra borate Buffer): Dissolve 3.814 g of Sodium Tetra borate in purified water and make-up the volume to 1000 ml with purified water.
  • Prepare the buffer solution after every 07 days. If any changes observed in physical appearance, then prepare new buffer solution.
  • Note:  Validity of pH 7.0 buffer solution is for one week.
  • General Instructions
  • Check the validity of the buffer solutions before use.
  • After calibration do not switch off the pH meter. If done, then again calibrate the pH   meter before use.

Procedure for Calibration
  • Press the MEM CLEAR key, pH meter show 1) Calibration 2) Reading 3) All; select 3 for all memory clearance & then press enter.
  • Transfer approximately 50 ml of each buffer solution from stock buffer solution in 100 ml capacity dry beaker; dip the electrode in solution of pH buffer 7.00.
  • Then press CAL key, pH meter show 1) Standardization 2) Calibration; select 1 for standardization then press enter.
  • Standardize pH meter with 7.00 pH buffer, then after stable reading press enter.
  • Then screen show Calibration 1) Yes 2) No; press 1 for calibration.
  • Then immerse the electrode in the buffer solution of pH 4.01. Wait till the screen shows stable value.
  • Rinse the electrode with purified water and immerse in the standard buffer solution of pH 9.18 Wait till the screen shows stable value.
  • Now verify the pH of buffer solutions pH 4.01, 7.00, 9.18 and record the activity.
  • Verification of pH reading should be with in limit 0.05 of standard buffer.
  • After verification of pH, discard the used buffer.
  • Report any discrepancy observed during calibration of instrument to F&D In-Charge for corrective and preventive action.
  • F & D In-Charge informs the defect to Maintenance Department service engineer to rectify the defect. Meanwhile affix ‘Under Maintenance’ label on the instrument.
  • Calibration should be done after maintenance.

Precaution and Cleaning
  • Wash the electrode and remove all depositions through purified water.
  • Do not leave the electrode dry; keep the electrode in saturated KCl solution.
  • Wipe the glass electrode with tissue paper. 

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