Use of colony counter

Rahul Kashyap


The purpose of this SOP is to provide written guidelines for the use of Colony Counter.


CFU: The unit is used to specify the number of colonies obtained in the test sample.
Isolates: Is used to identify the culture type, character of colonies obtained in environmental condition.


  • Colony counter is used to count the colony forming unit. (CFU).
  • Switch ON the mains.
  • Clean the lens & specimen stage.
  • Place the plate on specimen stage & confirm that the display shows ‘ZERO’ count.
  • Take the SENSOR in hand & start marking the colonies of plates.
  • On every marking SENSOR will beep once & finally total colonies marked by SENSOR on plate will be displayed on screen.
  • To check another sample RESET the machine & repeat the procedure as above.
  • If SENSOR is not working you can count the colonies manually.
  • Before counting manually check that the count is ‘ZERO’.
  • While counting the colonies by manual method instead of marking with SENSOR we have to count the colony & press MANUAL for one colony.
  • There will be one beep for one colony.
  • After completion of counting the total no. of colonies will be displayed on screen.
  • Clean the lens of specimen stage.

Ensure that the equipment is cleaned properly before use.

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